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Everything’s Coming Up Roses!

By November 12, 2024No Comments

And by Everything’s Coming Up Roses, we do mean our new Sister, Sister Rose!

Whether it’s a birthday or a big event, something is always happening here at St. Mary’s Home. This week was no different, as it brought us the arrival of our new sister, Sister Rose Veronica of Jesus. Sister Rose comes to us from our Kansas City Home and will be caring for our second floor Residents. Residents and staff alike were all smiles as we welcomed Sister with fanfare—confetti and all! Resident Larry Clark kindly gifted Sister Rose a fragrant floral basket of, fittingly chosen, pink roses to brighten her arrival even more.

After shaking hands and giving hugs, Sister Rose was able to get to know her new family by attending the Day of the Dead get together happening on the same day. All of the Sisters and quite a few Residents were in attendance to listen to employee Domenica Rodriguez tell the history of Dia de los Muertos. Earlier in the week, Sisters, staff and Residents were encouraged to display a photo of their deceased loved ones—both people and pets—on the St. Mary’s Home ofrenda. Sisters handed out Mexican sweet bread (or, conchas) and Mexican hot chocolate for the Residents to munch on as they mused over the ofrenda, thinking of past memories and hopes for the near future.

Birthdays are always something our Home looks forward to. Sister Rose concluded an eventful first week by celebrating the birthday of Resident Dorothy Streff who turned 92 years old.

What a week! We are both excited and blessed to have Sister Rose be a part of our St. Mary’s Home family. We wish her luck as she settles in, gets to know our Residents, and continues to walk in the path of St. Jeanne Jugan.

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